Is an Aftermarket DPF Back Exhaust Upgrade Worth It?

Date Posted: 5 June 2024 

Is an Aftermarket DPF Back Exhaust Upgrade Worth It?

If you aren’t particularly happy with the way your vehicle performs and sounds due to its DPF, you’re not alone. Ever since DPFs effectively became mandatory for diesel vehicles back in 2009, a lot of drivers have been looking for a way to overcome the negative impact a DPF has on performance. One option that was found is a performance DPF back exhaust upgrade.

However, as an aftermarket DPF back exhaust only modifies the system after the DPF while leaving everything before it intact, is a DPF exhaust upgrade even worth it? That’s the question we will try to answer with this article. However, before we get to that, let’s first understand what a DPF does, why it impacts performance, and whether you have options other than a DPF back exhaust upgrade to get what you want.   

What Does a DPF Do?

The purpose of a diesel particulate filter is to reduce the harmful emissions a diesel engine generates. It captures and stores exhaust soot produced during combustion, which contains harmful particulate matter. The DPF filters out these particles, preventing them from being released into the atmosphere. 

Periodically, the DPF undergoes a process called regeneration, where the accumulated soot is burned off at high temperatures, converting it into less harmful gases like carbon dioxide. Since the Euro 5 emission legislation was introduced in 2009, almost all modern diesel cars have the DPF as a standard component. 

However, while the DPF is effective at reducing emissions, it can negatively impact engine performance. The filter causes backpressure, which can decrease power and fuel efficiency. On the other hand, this trade-off is necessary to achieve lower emission levels. Without a DPF, vehicles would emit higher levels of pollutants, contributing to environmental and health issues. 

That being said, many car enthusiasts are not happy with the trade-off and actively search for ways to reduce the negative impact a DPF has on engine performance. One option is a DPF delete - a DPF delete allows the exhaust gases to be expelled more freely and reduces backpressure, giving the engine more power and better fuel efficiency

However, due to the legality of removing a DPF, a DPF delete system is only a viable option for off-road use. Otherwise, you could face high fines if you removed your DPF and used your vehicle for on-road driving. So, what other options are available for on-road use?

The Benefits of a DPF Back Exhaust Upgrade

People driving and testing an SUV with a DPF back exhaust upgrade.

The most realistic option is to upgrade your exhaust system with a performance DPF back exhaust. As the DPF back exhaust upgrade does not modify anything before the DPF itself, it cannot give as big of a performance boost as a full exhaust system upgrade would, but you would still get:

Performance Gains

One of the primary benefits of this type of exhaust is its potential for improved performance. While the DPF remains intact to ensure compliance with emission standards, upgrading the exhaust system behind the DPF can reduce backpressure. This allows the engine to breathe more freely, improving exhaust flow and potentially increasing horsepower and torque. A better exhaust flow can also lead to more responsive throttle input and smoother acceleration.

Fuel Efficiency

Improving the exhaust flow can also positively impact fuel efficiency. With reduced backpressure, the engine doesn’t have to work as hard to expel the gases. This leads to more efficient combustion and better fuel economy. While the gains might not be drastic, even a slight improvement in fuel efficiency can result in significant savings over time, especially if you regularly drive long distances. That being said, if fuel economy is your primary concern, a simple mod like a throttle controller can do wonders.

Longevity of Exhaust Components

A high-quality DPF back exhaust system can also contribute to the longevity of your vehicle’s exhaust components. Performance exhaust systems are typically made from more durable materials, such as stainless steel, which are more resistant to corrosion and wear. This means that the upgraded system can outlast the stock components, reducing the need for frequent maintenance or even replacement. 

Modifying the Exhaust Note

Finally, it’s no secret that many car and truck enthusiasts don’t particularly like the sound the exhaust on a diesel vehicle makes. A major reason for that is the original manufacturer's DPF back exhaust. An aftermarket DPF back exhaust upgrade can significantly change the sound your car gives off. For many drivers, just the change in the exhaust note makes a DPF back exhaust worth it. 

Everything You Need for Your Exhaust System

In the end, it’s up to you to decide whether a DPF back exhaust upgrade is worth it. If you do think it is, you can find what you need at Perform-Ex Auto. Take a look at our range of aftermarket exhaust parts and find what you need to upgrade your vehicle. Even if you don’t think a DPF back exhaust upgrade is worth it, we have high-quality diesel particulate filters that could provide some of the gains you are searching for. 

Regardless of what decision you make, if you have questions or need assistance, feel free to contact us, and we will gladly help you however we can. 


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